I’ve heard so many times
“Shouldn’t you be over “it” by now?”
It is always hard to think of my child as an “it” I must get
Which child would you ever get over?
Which child would you give up?
The chasm between the bereaved and the non-bereaved is vast
and invisible
I am tired of trying to bridge it, tired of justifying my
grief, tired of my status of “bereaved parent” and all the turn a ways that go
with that status.
This lonely journey is because I can’t “get over it”, in
fact I refuse to pretend that Sharon didn’t live and breath and I miss her
And yet, like the scene in E.T. where across all that vast
difference of being, language and understandings, Elliot and ET touched.
And there are those that walk with me and let me have “it”
Thank you.