I have few regrets in my life
as I have lived it by my own values and inclinations. But I do have a couple that kinda haunt me. I
have been an avid critic of public schools most of my adult life. Specifically of unions and tenure, as I have
believed that those two factors lead to mediocracy and cheapening of
learning. I still think that is true, but
that leaves out the impact of great teachers and what they do to help children
grow sand flower.
The other huge factor in
retrospect is that growing up in the 40’s and 50’s I realize that I never would
have gotten an education without them.
Without public schools the other option at that time was either private
or military schools. I believe my Dad
would have seen to it that my brothers got an education, but since girls were
not groomed for much beyond marriage and families, perhaps nursing or teaching,
maybe secretarial, if you could type. He
would not have made sure I got an education, also, we could not have afforded
private schools since my dad was a minister, he didn’t make much money. So, without public education I would still
be a “Hick from the Sticks”. I would have
ended up flat and empty. So that is my first regret, to not appreciate my early
education until years after the fact,
The other deep and powerful
regret has to do with a couple of teachers that are still influencing my
life. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Goff were two
of my sixth-grade teachers that somehow saw through all the smoke screen and
crap I put out to something fine and worth honoring.
They never wavered in finding
something to comment on or encourage me to continue. That is all it took for me
to start dreaming of a better, richer and rewarding life.
My biggest regret is that I
never got to thank them for, in many ways, saving my life. By now they are long gone, so I hope they
can look down and read this and understand how deeply grateful I am for their
contribution to my life.
I want to thank all the
teachers out there that see something fine in kids that work hard at hiding
their excellence from all but a few great teachers.